Get rid of Windows 11 File Explorer’s “Start Backup” advertisement

The lat­est ver­sion of Win­dows started to ag­gres­sively ad­ver­tise OneDrive’s backup fea­ture in File Ex­plorer, where it would promi­nently show a “Start backup” but­ton as part of the nav­i­ga­tion bar:

Click­ing on this but­ton, even ac­ci­den­tally, will trig­ger an an­noy­ing di­a­log, that, with it’s pre­s­e­lected op­tions, might start a backup of data to Mi­crosoft’s cloud that you did not re­ally in­tend:

This no­ti­fi­ca­tion can be turned off by a hid­den set­ting in­side File Ex­plorer’s set­tings. Open Ex­plorer’s set­tings and from there se­lect the “View” tab, find the “Show sync provider no­ti­fi­ca­tions” set­ting and un-check it.

After log­ging out and log­ging in again, the no­ti­fi­ca­tion is gone. To be hon­est, I don’t know which other no­ti­fi­ca­tions I am now miss­ing, but so far I have not no­ticed any­thing im­por­tant.